What is Allergy?

Allergen is the reaction of the immune system to excessive or abnormal dimensions as a result of the entry of harmless substances into the body for any reason. Although they are harmless, in some cases they can lead to life-threatening and fatal consequences. Normally, these reactions do not occur, but some people may. Especially being genetically prone can also cause it. Allergies can be seasonal as well as year-round allergies. Seasonal allergies are examples of spring allergy.


Allergic conditions can generally be classified under two headings. It is caused by natural and chemical environment. Genetic background, meadow pollen, house dust mites, animal hair, mold fungi, bee venom and some foods may have allergic results. In particular, the most common allergies are eggs, legumes, wheat, peanuts, shrimp, milk, soy and nuts. Food allergy can affect 5% of children and 3% of adults. The food allergy is manifested in a wide range from light to heavy dimensions.
Skin allergies can be divided into eczema, urticaria and angioedema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. This condition causes dry itching and red skin lesions.
Judging from the causes of skin allergy; allergens, animal hair, soap, detergents and lotions, such as dry air triggers eczema.
In the case of allergies to drugs, the person may not show himself when he first comes into contact with the drug. In later times, skin rash, urticaria, pruritus, wheezing breathing, swelling, vomiting, dizziness occurs. Drug skin test and provocation tests can also be applied to detect this.
In some cases, the allergy occurs when the body is weak. For example, pregnancy or disease occurs in situations such as.


Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, redness in the eyes, itching and watering, wheezing in the throat, cough, skin rash and itchy rash, symptoms such as asthma and eczema are progressing.


It can be determined by skin tests and blood tests. The results are obtained in 20 min with skin tests and 24 - 48 hours with blood analysis.
1 - Prick Test: 20 - 30 kinds of allergens can be identified. After scratching the skin of the patient, allergy-causing substances are prepared as a solution and drip to the scratched skin and waited for 30 minutes. Subsequently, the substance dropped to the places where redness occurs is considered as allergen substance. The important thing to note in this test is that some of the drugs used should be included in the evaluation of these drugs before the test process because they affect the test results.
2 - Patch Test: It is a way to detect the allergens that cause eczema. After pouring the chemicals on a tape, it is adhered to the patient's back and waited for two days. The tape is removed in the frost of the waiting process. And the chemical where the redness occurs is considered to be an allergen to the patient's allergy.
3 - Blood Test (IgE antibody): This is the way to determine the rate of IgE antibody in the blood. is a method used to measure.


ALLERGIC RHINITIS; allergic rhinitis; is known as hay fever or summer fever in society. This allergy is caused by various chemicals, animal hair, some foodstuffs, household dusts, pollen. Itching, congestion, itching in the throat, dry, dry cough, symptoms such as runny nose.
ALLERGIC ASTHMA; it is usually seen in people who are prone to allergies. Symptoms such as dry cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness appear. Allergenic substances are caused by animal hairs, house dusts, pollen, cockroaches, molds in people with the most common disease.
ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS; is a common allergy. It occurs as a result of the reaction of the membrane called conjunctiva covering the white winter of the eyes to allergen substances. The eye causes various symptoms. These symptoms include; Itching, burning and watering are symptoms. 5 type of allergic conjunctivitis is available. These include: Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, Perennial allergic conjunctivitis, Vernal keratoconjunctivitis, atopic keratoconjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis.
URTICARIA: occurs due to natural and chemical reasons. Drugs, nutrients such as cow's milk, nuts, tomatoes and eggs, additives in ready-to-eat foods, pollen, household dust, and inhalation substances are caused by insect bites. Itching, redness, such as symptoms are available.
FOOD ALLERGY: is the body's allergic reaction to the protein in foods. Rash, itching, stomach pain and diarrhea can be seen as bibi symptoms.
ATOPIC DERMATITIS; It is a common eczema of children. If this disease is left untreated, there is a possibility that it will be converted to asthma and allergic rhythm later. 6 occurs in children aged between months and 2. Symptoms include pruritus and dry red lesions.
BEE STING; pain, swelling and spontaneous resolution after a short period of time, this situation can reach more dangerous dimensions.
ANAPHYLAXIS; It is the most dangerous and deadly variety among allergies. Difficulties in breathing, loss of consciousness may have consequences.
It is detected by applying blood test and skin test for allergy diagnosis. And relief, drug therapy and, if necessary, immunotherapy methods are provided with relief.
3 is the basic method of treatment. The first is to avoid allergy. Which is hardly possible. The second method is drug therapy. Here, cortisone and antihistamines should be used. The third and most effective method is vaccine treatment. In this treatment, allergy-causing substance is given to the patient first at low and then at high doses to eliminate the sensitivity of the patient to the allergy. Vaccine treatment is also done by two methods. In the first 6 - 12 continues for months. And it is administered from a minimum dose to a higher dose. The second method is applied by giving drops under the tongue.


Allergic prevention is also important in allergic rhinitis. For this and dust mites, the necessary ventilation should be provided to reduce humidity, care should be taken to clean products such as bed linen and bed linen, and products containing feather and wool in the bedrooms should be avoided.
To protect from pollen; pollen should be kept in closed areas as much as possible during periods of dense. Care should be taken when using sunglasses and, if possible, a pollen filter in air conditioning and vehicles.
It is important to keep the houses dry to prevent the formation of fungi. And ammonia should be used to clean wet surfaces.
Allergies to foods should be avoided from these products and consumables containing these products.
If infants have a high risk of allergies, breastmilk should not be discontinued before 6 months.
Use of masks should be considered during housework.
Smoking consumption should be stopped.
Perfume, spray products should not be used.
Plants and animals in the house should be avoided.
Food consumption should be avoided.

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