As in every human being, there are many different skin conditions in babies. These diseases are encountered in the skin, which is the organ that maintains the balance between the external environment and has the most basic role in the protection of organisms. Skin diseases that may be encountered in newborn baby skins vary.

Birthmark; newborn babies have common spots called mongol. These spots are usually seen on the lower back and hips. They are usually 1 or 2 centimeters and wider bluish or purplish stains. It is lost in later years in children.

Superficial hemangiomas; Most of the newborn babies are the red spots on the eyelids, lips and necks that are seen and they improve with time.

Skin peeling in infants; It is an event that takes place in the first week of newborn babies. Peeling occurs after a flaking on the skin.

Blotting; is one of the diseases seen in newborn babies. One of the most specific features is the dark pink waves after the cold exposure. It causes a marbleish appearance on the skin. It is a spontaneous skin disease.

hairs; newborn babies have fine hairs, especially on the back, shoulders and face, and more pronounced. These feathers called Lanugo pass after a short time.

Oil glands on the skin surface; These are the structures seen in the nose and upper lip parts which are seen in the upper parts of the nose and upper lip seen in the first periods of the birth of the baby. They are thin and yellowish and fluffy. It disappears in a short time.

Toxic erythema in newborns; blisters that disappear within a very short time after birth and are very small, white or yellowish, filled with water. They can be seen in the face or the whole body.

Rash; infants or infants. The reason for the rash is caused by obstruction in the sweat glands. It can be seen after sweat glands, immature, extremely hot, thick clothes or feverish diseases. It can be seen in three different ways. A large amount of small red spots, red spots on the water and filled with water in the form of inflammation that manifests itself.

Milian; They are structures that are also present in the birth process and pass in a short time. Refers to small size white bubbles.

Newborn acne; Almost% 20 of newborn babies is usually seen on the cheek and forehead. It is rarely seen in the chest and back.

Skin dryness; It is seen in infant skins that have a lower capacity to absorb moisture and dry than adult individuals.

Infancy eczema; dryness, watering and crusting. There are also different definitions of diseases that fall within this definition.

Konak; oil glands are common in areas. It is among the most prominent features in the form of scaling and peeling. Although the cause is not known, it is seen in the skin and behind the ears. It disappears over time but can cause a bad smell.

rash; it usually occurs in areas that come into contact with the gland and occurs due to long-term contact with the wet cloth. Over-wetted skin is extremely sensitive. Mushrooms may develop in the rash areas due to various reasons.

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