Mobile German Football Word Game for Mobile Phones

The user sees a word in the middle zone. Upper and lower levels offer meaning options for this word. If the upper word is the correct answer, the user takes the ball to the top with the UP arrow key. If the lower key is correct, the user takes the ball with the ALT arrow key. In correct answers, the user earns points while the wrong answers.

It can be installed on any mobile phone that supports Java applications, it is totally free, it is not possible to deduct credits from your line.

This service is provided by AlMancax and Java developer Murat Ä°nan. It is free. You can download the German educational game to your mobile phone and you can play new and learn German words you like.
German Turkish words game is extremely simple and useful.

In addition to having your mobile phone's java support, you also need to have the ability to add games from the outside.
If you download the downloaded file from the archive and upload it to the relevant folder of your mobile phone, you can play the game easily.

We wish you success as an almancax team.

Click Here to Download Program / File
Note: This program is distributed by Almancax free of charge with AlMancax license. You will have free and unlimited usage rights for downloading the program. You will never have an increase or decrease in your credit on your line because you are using the program.

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