How to Learn the Most Basic Terms in English

Learning English English level starts at a1. At this level there are only those who know certain basic words. What you need to know as the first step The most basic words in English is happening. You can know the basic words, memorize them and gradually increase your level.

But priorities you need to learn basic sentence structures, basic words and grammar. It is difficult to speak English at this level. But at the end of the level, you now know the basic words, understand the basic sentence structures and grammar, and you will be able to handle yourself. Learning English is not that easy, of course, you have a lot more to learn. Now it's time to solidify your foundation. Basic words, months, days, count, and you have already begun to take firm steps with the verb "be" ie 'to be'. The most important thing you should do is improve your vocabulary. While memorizing words, you should first start with the most used words in daily life. Sentence structure is subject-predicate-complement, different from Turkish. You should pay attention to this rule when forming sentences. Begins to form short and basic sentences using complement and conjunction. Yes, learning a language is not an easy task at all. However, if you determine the learning stages correctly and work by digesting them, you will make your job easier. Especially English, the language of the time, will appear everywhere. In order to have an advantage in your business life and social life, you should start working immediately.

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Learning English it is one of the most important issues. English numbers seem hard, but with a few small rules English numbers subject narration you will be successful. Numbers between 1 and 12 are different in English numbers. But all the numbers that come after them go in order. For example, if we take the number 10, it continues to be counted after 10, that is, after 13, with a number suffix. So like 'sixteen' 'seventeen' 'eighteen' 'nineteen'. After 20 until 100, multiples of 10 continue as follows. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, and 100 'one hundret'. Again, after 20, the counting numbers continue in the same way up to 100, this time with a number suffix. 'twety one '21,' thirty seven '37, 'forty three '43,' fifty six '56, 'sixty two '62,' seventy four '74, 'eighty nine '89,' ninety six '96 and 'one It is written as hunderd nine '109. When using numbers greater than 100, as in Turkish, it first tells how many hundreds there are and then we continue as we read the numbers from one to ten with the number suffix. For example 697 'six hundred ninety seven ”. Yes, numbers are not a difficult subject to learn and memorize as it is thought. It can be learned in a memorable way in a short time with a little work. Finally, if we look at the multiples of 100, the spelling is as follows: 500 'five hundred' 1000 “one thousand '5000' five thousand '10.000' thousand '100.000' one hunderd thousand '1.000.000' one million '.

At the forefront of things that will help you learn English English Turkish translation The dictionary is coming. We need to look at the meanings of the continuous words in the learning phase, we need to know whether the words we have established are correct or not, we need to confirm that we use and use the words in the right places. So we detect the mistakes we made, fix the mistakes and start to make sentences again. If you are developing yourself and are desperate for this, English Turkish you must have a dictionary. However, especially the sentence translation equivalents here are always exactly right. Grammatical differences lead to these errors. In such cases, it is possible to get support from the web sites as well as the translation pages. Many web sites provide full translation services to their users.

Getting a dictionary can be difficult and risky at first. If you are planning to travel abroad with an English - Turkish dictionary, you should be very careful. Grammar mistakes can mislead you with a translation other than what you want to tell. Of course, the dictionary book you choose is also of great importance in this. Translation dictionaries that are easy to use and give simple examples will be very useful.

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