How to prevent the hair from becoming electrified while drying?

Skip shampoo
You don't think your shampoo-free hair will be clean? If you shampooed your hair yesterday, do you need to shampoo again today? When you shampoo too much, the natural oil in your hair decreases and your hair becomes electrified.
Use fewer towels
Trying to dry hair with a towel is one of the main causes of electricity. The purpose of using towels is to remove excess water from the hair. After showering, gently squeeze excess water from the strands.
When it comes to electrification, the hairbrush can be your biggest enemy. You should comb your hair in the bathroom or after the bath to prevent hair from tangling.
Use non-rinse cream
One of the best ways to prevent electrification is to use non-rinse conditioner. Apply hair conditioner to the bottom by massaging the hair. Don't overdo it if you don't want your hair to look oily and heavy.
Show special interest
Drying and breakage starts at the ends of the hair. So you need to take extra care of your hair ends. Anti-electrification products or natural products such as coconut oil may work at the ends of the hair. You should also have your fractures removed frequently.

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