9th Grade German Articles and Exercises Related to Articles

German articles, der-das-die, German specific articles and exercises about certain articles. Dear German friends, you have seen the German artikelleri in our previous lessons and have explained it for a long time, you can reach the mentioned lessons by searching our site.

To summarize briefly, there are three articles in German, these are the das and dice artifacts.

The male genus is the articulate name of the names.

Female names are articulate dice articles.

If the names that we call sexless, that is, the neutral kind, are articulated, it is das artikelir.

Now let's do a few exercises on these artisans we have come to learn.

We have the articles of the following words.

Ergänzen Sie den Artikel.

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......... Tiger
......... Hamburger
......... Computer
......... Bus
......... Lehrer
......... Radio
......... Stadt
......... Hotel
......... Palme
......... Tomate
......... Tisch
......... Stuhl
......... Junge
......... Museum
......... Auto
......... Lehrerin
......... Spiegel
......... Hausaufgabe
......... Wohnung
......... Buch
......... Bild
......... Herr
......... Guitar
......... Fahrrad
......... Zug
......... Blume
......... Flugzeug
......... Musik
......... Frau
......... Giraffe
......... Glas
......... Steckdose
......... Klavier
......... Sessel
......... Handy
......... Taxi
......... Engine
......... Freiheit
......... Wagen
......... Fenster
……… Kind
......... Vorhang
......... Tasse
......... Spitzer

We wish you success in your German lessons.

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