German Sentence Building Exercises Video Lesson

In this lesson, we will learn about German Sentence Building Exercises. The most basic sentences in German are as follows:

Das ist ein Radio
It's a radio

Das ist eine Katze
This is a cat

Das ist ein Stuhl
It's a chair.

Das ist ein Haus
It is a house

The above sentences are the most basic sentence patterns, and we will see sentence structures in which both the subject, the verb, and the other items are used. Let's first make a simple exercise and let's take a German verb:

Things to Learn : Learn

We are throwing the scales of the verb and backwards lerne the word remains.
Now this lerne You are a person and you bring time.
For example, 1. I bring singular persons and present time suffixes.

Lerner - e: Learn - Um - um
As you can see, it's just -in fact that both the present time and 1. giving individual meanings.

Lerner - t: Learn - you're -

Lerner - Te: Learn - di - m

Now let's get more attention to one point.
As you can see, we removed the infinitive suffixes of the verbs and conjugated the verb by adding suffixes to the root of the remaining verb. However, although the vast majority of verbs in German are conjugated in this way, there are around 200 irregular verbs that do not follow this rule. If the root of a verb does not change while the verb is conjugated, then this verb is called a Regular Verb.

But if the verb changes to the roots, this is called the Irregular verb.
Although there is not much interest in the location, let's give it a little information.

lernen = learn
learn lern =

We now öğrenmek from the action of learn The word in Turkish refers to the command learn! This is also the case in German and the lernen verb from the verb in lerne The word also indicates an order.

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Let's now take the vernacular against the people of the present time:

ich / I lerne - e - learn - is - um
du / Sen lerne - learn st - iyor - sun
er / O (male) lerne - learn t - ior
sie / O (female) lerne - learn t - ior
es / O (neutral) lerne - learn t - ior
wir / Biz lerne - learn the most - iyor - uz
ihr / You lerne - learn t - ior - sunuz
sie / They lerne - learn - i - s -
Sie / You (gentle) lerne - learn - Iyor - sunuz

As seen in the table above, by adding some jewels to the roots of the verb,
We will not touch on personal pronouns here because we have already given information about personal pronouns.
The above table is currently valid for almost all acts.

In the video below we are given more variations on German sentences.
Carefully follow your advice, we wish you success.

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