What is the Solar System, Planets in the Solar System and Properties of the Planets

What is Solar System? Solar System Information
According to researches, although the exact age of the sun is unknown, it is thought to be approximately 5 billion years old. When we look at the substances in its content, we see that it comes together from helium and hydrogen gas. Its weight is 332.000 times the mass of the earth. The distance between our Earth and the sun has been measured as 149.500.000. The sun, which is a huge source of energy, completes its rotation around itself only in 25 days. As 600 million hydrogen is converted into helium per second, a temperature of 6.000 C occurs. According to the estimates made by scientists at this point, the temperature formed in the center is 1.5 million C. The sun's rays take approximately 8 minutes to reach the earth.

What is Solar System?

Even though the sun is seen by many as a planet, it is actually a star. There are 9 planets and many celestial bodies in certain orbits around the sun. The planets in the solar system are respectively; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. In fact, Pluto, which was discovered in 2006, was included in this list. But Pluto was later declared a dwarf planet. It is also estimated that there are countless stars in the solar system as well as these planets. The solar system is part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Within the Milky Way Galaxy, 90 is considered to be the size of the 100 billion stars, which is thought to be as large as the sun. Only in the Milky Way Galaxy, 1 is thought to be close to a trillion planets.
All celestial bodies and planets around the solar system rotate in a certain orbit due to the gravitational mass of the sun.

Planets in the Solar System

When the planets in the solar system are examined, they are examined in two different parts as gas structure and terrestrial. Planets with terrestrial structure; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Planets with gaseous structure; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluton. The properties of the planets in the solar system are as follows:
Mercury: Mercury is the closest planet to 58 since it is located a million miles away from the sun. Due to its proximity to the sun, the surface temperature can reach up to 450C. Mercury's gravitational force is the 1 / 3 of the world's gravitational force.
Venus: Venus, the second closest planet to the sun, is about a million kilometers away from the sun. When the radius is examined, you can see that its dimensions are almost at the same level as the world. The rotation around the sun is complete in 108.4 days and turns in the opposite direction of other planets.
World: The third planet closest to the sun, the distance between the Earth and the sun is 149 million kilometers. The diameter of the world is 12 thousand 756 kilometers. The total rotation around the sun completes in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes. Its rotation around its axis completes in 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. It creates day and night thanks to its rotation around itself, and creates seasons by turning around the sun.
Mars: The closest planet to the Sun, Mars, is the distance between the sun and the 208 million kilometers. It has a gravitational force of 40% of the world's gravitational force and its radius is 3 thousand 377 kilometers. The rotation around the sun completes in 24 hours 37 minutes.
Jupiter: With its half-age of 71 thousand 550 kilometers, we can say that Jupiter is the largest planet known in the solar system. The size of Jupiter is as much as 310 times of our world. The distance to the sun is 778 kilometers. The rotation around the sun 12 completes its rotation around the axis in a year.
Saturn: With a distance of 1.4 billion kilometers from the sun, it ranks sixth in the distance to the sun. It contains hydrogen and helium in its structure. The radius of the planet is 60 thousand 398 kilometers. While it completes its rotation around its own axis in 10 hours, it completes its rotation around the sun in 29.4 years. Saturn has a ring made of rocks and ice.
Uranus: Uranus, which is the closest planet to the Earth, is about a billion kilometers away from the sun. We see that the volume is 2.80 times larger than the world. 100 completes its rotation around the sun in a year. It consists of a combination of helium, hydrogen and methane.
Neptune: The 4.5 billion kilometers away from the sun is the eighth planet farthest away from the sun. 164 completes its rotation around the sun within the year, while 17 completes its own rotation around the clock. It is known that the satellite 13 is located.
Pluto: 6 to the sun is one of the most distant planets with a billion kilometers away. Pluto rotates around the sun in the 250 year, while its rotation around its axis completes in 6 days 9 hours 17 minutes. It is made up of ice and methane, the surface of which is frozen.

Properties of Planets in the Solar System

The planets in the solar system have some characteristics. Among these features, we have briefly mentioned the explanations of the planets. Other features of the planets are:
-All planets have different rotational speeds.
-The planes are all elliptical. You can see that the orbits of the planets intersect with each other, although the rotation speeds are different.
- The planets rotate from west to east both around the sun and around their own axes.
The largest planet is Jupiter and the smallest planet is Pluto.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The most distant planet known to be Pluto.
Venus is known to be the closest planet to the Earth in terms of both radius and distance.
Mercury and Venus have no moons. The Earth has 1 moons, Mars and Neptune's 2 moons, Uranus's 6 moons, Saturn's 10 moons, and Jupiter's 12 moons.
-The speed of rotation of the planets is inversely proportional to their distance from the sun.

What is the Satellite of the Sun?

We have mentioned to you that the Sun is a star. The solar system, on the other hand, consists of the sun, the planets around it, and the satellites of these planets. In this phase, we see that some think that the earth or moon is the moon of the sun. Such a thing is out of the question. The world is not a satellite but a planet. The moon is the satellite of the world.

Satellites of Planets in the Solar System

We also mentioned that the planets' satellites are included in the solar system. The planets and their satellites are:
-Mercury: It has no satellite.
-Venus: It has no satellite.
World: The satellite is the Moon. The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system. When we look at the diameter, we see that the diameter of the world is as much as 27%. The gravity on the moon is equal to the gravity of 6 in the world. Therefore, someone in the world who has 1 kg is 60 kg per month.
Mars: Mars has two satellites. These satellites are:
-Phobos: Its distance from Mars is 6 thousand kilometers. It is one of the smallest natural satellites in the solar system. They have a crater structure and are not like the Moon at all.
-Deimos: In fact, this satellite and Phobos are believed to be Mars by entering the gravitational force of Mars. The distance from Mars to 20 is one thousand kilometers. The average diameter of the satellite 13 thousand kilometers.
Jupiter: Jupiter has 4 moons. These satellites are:
-Io Satellite: The closest to Jupiter is the satellite. There are volcanoes which continuously spray gas and lava on the satellite.
-Europa Satellite: It's the second closest to Jupiter. 3000 is the kilometer age.
-Ganymede Satellite:  It's the third closest to Jupiter. It is the largest satellite in the solar system.
-Callisto Satellite: It is the second largest satellite of Jupiter and the furthest to Jupiter.
Saturn: Saturn has three moons. These satellites are:
-Titan Satellite: It is the second largest satellite in the solar system. It has a fairly thick atmosphere.
-Rhea Satellite: It is fixed on Saturn like the same month. It has an old structure.
-Minas Satellite: It was discovered by William Herschel in 1789. Crater was formed due to a major collision.
Uranus: The satellites of Uranus are:
-Ariel Satellite: It was discovered by William Lassel in 1856. The radius is 1190 kilometers.
-Miranda Satellite: It was discovered by Gerard Kuiper in 1948. Surface shapes are different from other planets and satellites.

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