Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) Preparation Files

Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) Preparation Files

This file has been prepared by the Goethe Institut. The zip archive contains both a prep booklet in pdf format and an audio file to listen to.


Kandidatenblätt is
the Leseversteh
the Hörversteh
Schriftlicher Ausdruck
Mündliche Prüfung
Prüferblätt is
Lösungsschlüssel Leseverstehen
Lösungsschlüssel Hörverstehen
Transkriptionen zum Hörverstehen
Bewertungskriterien Schriftlicher Ausdruck
Bewertungskriterien Mündliche Kommunikation
Hinweise zur Mündlichen Prüfung
Antwortbogen Leseverstehen
Antwortbogen Hörverstehen, Aufgabe 1 und 2
Antwortbogen Hörverstehen, Aufgabe 3
Antwortbogen Schriftlicher Ausdruck
Ergebnisbogen Mündliche Prüfung

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Much further ahead: Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD).

By passing the Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International (PWD) exam, you can prove that you can express yourself in the right way and respond in the same way in your daily career. The exam corresponds to the fifth step (C1) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

For example,

Comprehend verbal and written information with richer content in German language, express yourself professionally in verbal and written terms about professional and economic topics, comprehend a wide range of authentic verbal and written texts with economic content, linguistically more complex and professionally richer content You can express yourself professionally and economically about German professional and economic issues verbally, in an appropriate and appropriate way, and in a proper manner. To open and read files with pdf extension, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can visit:

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