German Personal Pronouns and Shots

ATTACHMENTS OF PERSONAL TIMES IN GERMAN BY CASES. We analyzed personal pronouns in our previous topics. Now we will examine the conjugation of personal pronouns according to the noun case.

But before starting our lesson, let's explain this concept of attraction;

Normally the personal pronoun I is in plain form. In order to turn this personal pronoun into i, the suffix -i is added to the end in Turkish and in this way the word me is obtained.
This me word is also the -i form of the personal pronoun I. The -e state of the personal pronoun I is the word for me. For example, the -i state of the personal pronoun is you and the -e state is you words. You should already know this information, but we still made a short explanation for friends who do not know or forget it. Now let's give the conjugation table of personal pronouns according to states:

ich: me mich: me mir: me
du: you dich: you dir: to you
er: o (male) iHN: her iHM: him
sie: o (female) sie: it ihr: to him
es: o (neutral) es: her iHM: him
wir: we uns: us uns: us
ihr: you euch: you euch: size
sie: they sie: them ihnen: to them
Sie: you (kind) sie: you Ihnen: size

This table must be memorized absolutely.

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You can easily memorize all of the pronouns with short interval repetitions.
You can also find out how these pronouns are used in sentences in the German Learning section on the forum.
Other than these, there are some personal pronouns, but we will not include them here because they are not used.
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