Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche Goethe-Zertifikat B1 Exam Preparation Files

Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche (Goethe-Zertifikat B1) Preparation Files

Your step forward. Zertifikat B1: Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche

This file is prepared by the Goethe Institut. The zip archive contains both pdf formatting books and a sound file for listening.

Some of the books include:

Lösungsschlüssel Leseverstehen
Lösungsschlüssel Sprachbausteine
Transkription zum Hörverstehen
Lösungsschlüssel Hörverstehen
Evaluation Criteria
Schriftlicher Ausdruck
Hinweise zur Mündlichen Prüfung
Evaluation Criteria
Mündliche Prüfung

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Goethe-Zertifikat B1: Successful in the Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche examination proves that you have a solid basic knowledge in German daily speech and you can express yourself in every important aspect of everyday life. The examination corresponds to the third digit of the six-digit competence rating of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(B1).

For example,
you can also understand in detail the important information in the announcements made to the public, the radio news,
you can fully understand the important information in statistics and daily life descriptions in newspaper texts,
write private or semi-official messages, such as letters or e-mails,
you can make a simple speech about a topic that personally cares about you, briefly express your thoughts on this subject, and respond to the thought of the person you are talking to,
you can give information about something, suggest something, or decide something in everyday life situations.

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