Adverbs in German Prepositions and German Complements


Object (Akkusativobjekt / Nominativ- Akkusativ)

In the sentence, the predicate reported by the predicate is the affected element. The installation answers “whom, what, what” questions.

Objects are examined in two groups according to whether they receive the state statement.
1. Specified Object
If the word in the object task has the suffix “-i”, the object is called the specified object.

Ver She gave the flowers to her mother. ”
In the sentence "Cicekleri" object "-i" is the specified object because it takes the attachment.

2. Object without Specification
If the word i -i bulunan in the object task does not take the suffix, the object is an unspecified object.

Topla Picked flowers for his mother. ”
in the sentence "flower" object has not received this attachment and the object is unspecified.

Indirect Integration (Lokativ Ergänzung / Dativobjekt)

It is the item indicating the predicate, the place where the predicate is located. The installation acts as a complementary word or phrase, which responds to the questions receiving the suffixes “-e”, “-de” and den from ”by taking the same attachments. The fact that questions and answers must receive the same appendices prevents it from interfering with other elements. Let's explain this with examples.

Di He gave me the books and books he had. ”
In order to find the six-line item in the sentence, we ask the question yükleme to ”loading. Both questions and answers received the same attachment. So the word “me dolay is indirectly integral.

Ürüz We will only see you in summer. ”
In the sentence six-word word e -e ”state has taken the addition. But to find this item, we ask the question yükleme when? As you can see, the question is asked without taking the attachment. So this is not an integral complement, even though it has taken the suffix “-e”.

Ti He came out without asking anyone. ”
In order to find the six-line item, we ask the question “where yükleme loading. In this case, the question, “-e” took the suffix, but the “out” did not receive the same suffix. Then we cannot call this the indirect complement.
It allows us to distinguish between the things we see and the things that are complicated with the same answers.
We can see the same situation in the suffixes “-de” and den from ”.

Us He's been waiting for me in class for two hours. ”
In order to get the six plotted elements in the sentence, we ask the question yükleme where yükleme the installation. So this element is indirectly integral.

Imiz We've all been standing for two hours. ”
In order to find the six-drawn item, we need to ask the question yükleme how to install yükleme. As you can see, the question “-de” has not been asked. So the element is not an indirect complement.

“He left here two days ago.”
The six-item item in the sentence “where vererek by answering the question has been a indirect complement.

En I would love for you to come. ”
The six-line item in the sentence "how" to answer the question is not due to the complementary.

“Can you lose three pounds without water apple?”
In order to find the six-line item in the sentence, we ask the question of den from what yükleme. As the answer comes, the element is integral.

Medi He didn't come when he got sick. ”
In the sentence, we find six items with the question “nicin”. So this is not a indirect complement.
We can make examples even more. What we should not forget here is that the answer to the question receives the same attachments (-e, -de, from).

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Envelope complement (Temporalbestimmung)

The time, condition, quantity, direction, condition, etc. of the load. are the ones that report. Each of these is found in a different question.

Iy We have to get to the village before it gets dark. ”
the underlined envelope in the sentence “when”;

Iz We need to live without needing a friend. ”
six-line envelope in the sentence “how”;

Not His grades were surprisingly high. ”
kadar how much zarf six-envelope in sentence;

Girdi He came in without saying a word. ”
the six-envelope in the sentence "where";

Sa If we have time, we will solve another example. ”
The six-envelope in the sentence “in which case dir answered the questions.

The items that answer these questions are always envelopes. But here we have to pay attention to the question of “where“. We also said about the indirect complement, this question is also the indirect complement buldurur.Ancak the answer must take the same suffix. The word “content” in the example did not take this supplement. This feature, that is, the direction of the direction without the attachment feature shows the place-direction envelopes.
One thing to be aware of when separating the sentence into elements is the use of minority - multiple adverbs.

“He is a very hardworking student.”
In sentence, predicate is all six words. Because “student” is the name, “working” is the student's gift. “Very” is the envelope of working adjectives. Therefore, undan a very hardworking student oldug is the adjective adjective, they are not separated from each other. However, we have the same sentence;

“He is very working.”
If we use the form, “work” predicate will be many envelope complement. In short, when adjectives are predicate, the envelopes that declare their degree become the envelope complement.

Edat Tümleci (Modalbestimmung)
The phrases that indicate what the predicate is, for whom, and for what purpose, are called the prepositions.

"He writes all his writings with a fountain pen."
Mis He did this research with his friends. ”
Im I made these dishes for you. ”
The six phrases in the sentences are counted as prepositions.
In a sentence, every word is not a matter of censure. The words or phrases that do not respond to the questions asked for loading are considered to be sentence elements. Take, for example, the following sentence phrases.

"Ahmet, didn't I tell you not to be late many times?"
As you can see, the word “Ahmet yükleme does not answer any question asked in the sentence loading, that is, the off-sentence element.

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