German Separable Verbs List Video Lesson

Video lesson with a list of separable verbs in German. In this lesson, we continue our topic on German Separable Verbs List. If you remember, we have 4 more videos on the subject of Separable Verbs on our website, apart from this one.

Since the list of separable verbs in German is quite extensive, this topic has been emphasized a lot.


Beginners to learn German Prepared for German A1 family unification exam your friends, German KPSS, KPDS, UDS friends prepared for exams like this must have learned this topic very well.
Since it is one of the most basic subjects, it should not be passed to the next unit without being learned thoroughly.
Learning German especially if the basic subjects are learned or memorized very well, will make the units that will be seen in the future easier and faster to learn.

If you work like this in German, you are working any unit in the future "what is this, how was this withdrawn, why this artikel was not used, which cloth we were using"And you will not have to go back.
So when you are learning German, you are especially interested in learning the basic subjects in a permanent way.

We recommend that you review your video carefully about the separable actions.

We wish you superior achievements in your German education life.

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