Disease; is the functional digestive disease that has the most basic effect on the large intestine. The disease, which is also known as irritable bowel syndrome, is also called spastic colon. It is a disease seen in 15% of people. The disease, which does not cause any change in the intestinal tissue, does not increase the likelihood of colorectal cancer. There is no structural disorder that can be reached in tests performed in the disease causing abnormal bowel function. The disease is more common in the lower levels of 45. After this age level, the incidence is almost halved.


Causes of restless bowel syndrome; is not based on a clear cause and is not known. However, it is possible to talk about various diseases that trigger the disease. Abnormal conditions encountered in the nervous system, inflammation in the intestine, severe infections, and the change in the amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestine can be seen. Stress, various foods and hormones can also be triggered by the disease. The disease is more common in women than in men. The family is also among the likelihood of such a condition being seen before. The disease may also occur more frequently in people with mental health problems.


Symptoms of restless bowel syndrome; The most common expression is abdominal cramping, especially pain, bloating and gas. In addition to these symptoms, diarrhea or constipation may occur as well as environments where both occur simultaneously. Symptoms of the disease are usually mild but rarely severe. At the same time, problems such as weight loss, rectal bleeding and vomiting with unknown cause, difficulties in swallowing are among the symptoms of the disease.


Treatment of restless bowel syndrome; it requires a process that must be carried out by spreading over a long period of time. In the process of treatment and cure of illness, one should stay away from lifestyle and stressful processes and continue with diet. It will not be possible to restrict treatment processes to a single process, but these treatments may vary depending on the individual. However, as in the treatment of many diseases, healthy and regular nutrition and exercises play an important role here. Various medicines are also used.


Restless bowel syndrome; It can also be used in various ways to make it better. Food consumption can be carried out as little as possible and consumption of fiber foods.

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