German Numbers, German Numerals, German Numerical Examples


Now that we have seen the numbers in German 100e, we have seen the next numbers from German 100, we have also seen German numbers and hundreds of millions and millions, and now let's practice about German numbers.

In the previous lesson we examined the numbers between 0 and 100. Now we will continue with the numbers after 100 and we will make a lot of examples in our next lesson. We will examine a few special cases about numbers and further information on the number adjectives. The point we want to appear here is shudder; Normally the numbers are written contiguously but we prefer to write the numbers separately so that we can understand it more easily. Let's start now with 100:

100: hundert (hundert)

100 is "hundert" in German. The numbers 200-300-400 etc. are in front of the word "hundert" and 2-3-4 etc. It occurs by writing numbers. for example:

200: zwei hundert (svay hundert) (two-hundred)

300: drei hundert (dray hundert) (three-hundred)

400: vier hundert (fi: Ir hundert) (four-hundred)

500: fünf hundert (fünf hundert) (five - hundred)

600: sechs hundert (zeks hundert) (six-hundred)

700: sieben hundert (zi: bin hundert) (seven - hundred)

800: acht hundert (aht hundert) (eight - hundred)

900: neun hundert (noyn hundert) (nine - hundred)

However, for example, if you want to write 115 or 268 or any other face number like this, then the facial number is one later, and you write it down.

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100: hundert

101: hundert eins

102: hundert zwei

103: hundert drei

104: hundert vier

105: hundert fünf
110: hundert zehn (hundred and ten)

111: hundert elf (face and eleven)

112: hundert zwölf (hundred and twelve)

113: hundert dreizehn (hundred and thirteen)

114: hundert vierzehn (one hundred and fourteen)
120: hundert zwanzig (hundred and twenty)

121: hundert ein und zwanzig (hundred and twenty)

122: hundert zwei und zwanzig (one hundred and twenty)

150: hundert füfzig (hundred and fifty)

201: zwei hundert eins (two hundred and one)

210: zwei hundert zehn (two hundred and ten)

225: zwei hundert fünf und zwanzig (two hundred and twenty-five)

350: drei hundert fünfzig (three hundred and fifty)

598: fünf hundert acht und neunzig (five hundred and ninety-eight)

666: sechs hundert sechs und sechzig

999: neun hundert neun und neunzig (nine hundred and ninety-nine)

1000: tausend (tauzind)

Numbers are also made like facial numbers in the same way;

2000: zwei tausend

3000: drei tausend

4000: vier tausend

5000: fünf tausend

6000: sechs tausend

7000: sieben tausend

8000: acht tausend

9000: neun tausend

10000: zehn tausend

Here are ten thousand, twelve thousand, thirteen thousand, fourteen thousand ....... As you saw when you were expressing numbers, two digits and a thousand were entered into the business. Here, we get the count by bringing the two-digit count first and then the thousand words.

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11000: elf tausend

12000: zwölf tausend

13000: dreizehn tausend

14000: vierzehn tausend

15000: fünfzehn tausend

16000: sechzehn tausend

17000: siebzehn tausend

18000: achtzehn tausend

19000: neunzehn tausend

20000: zwanzig tausend

Let's continue with the various examples now:

21000: ein und zwanzig tausend (twenty-one thousand)

22000: zwei und zwanzig tausend (twenty-two thousand)

23000: drei und zwanzig tausend (twenty three-thousand)

30000: dreißig tausend (thirty-thousand)

35000: fünf und dreißig tausend (thirty-five thousand)

40000: vierzig tausend (fork-bin)

50000: fünfzig tausend (fifty-thousand)

58000: acht und fünfzig tausend (ellisekiz-bin)

60000: sechzig tausend (thrown-bin)

90000: neunzig tausend (ninety-thousand)

100000: hundert tausend (hundred-thousand)

The system is the same in hundreds of words;

110000: hundert zehn tausend (yüzon-bin)

120000: hundert zwanzig tausend (hundreds and thousands)

200000: zwei hundert tausend (two hundred and thousand)

250000: zwei hundert fünfzig tausend (two hundred and thousand)

500000: fünf hundert tausend (five hundred and thousand)

900000: neun hundert tausend (nine hundred and thousand)

If we are to sum up what we have learned so far, we can say with a generalization as follows; When writing two-digit numbers, the first digit and then the second digit were written with the word und between them. In three digits, for example, the number one hundred five (105) is written by adding the number one hundred and then five. For example, the number one hundred and twenty is created by first writing the numbers one hundred and then twenty.

For thousands numbers, for example, three thousand (3000) is created by first writing three and then thousand. The number one thousand three is created by writing first thousand and then three.3456 (three thousand four hundred fifty six) is formed by first three thousand, then four hundred and then fifty-six. Larger numbers are written in the same way, starting with the capital digit first.

In our next lesson, we will do many examples of this topic. The more exercises on this topic, the better results will be obtained, both in terms of learning and keeping in mind, and in terms of translating numbers into Turkish and German faster. NOTE: the word hundert (face) can also be used as "ein hundert". You can come across both.

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